Calendula essential oil is popular for its dermatological properties. Calendula's ability to treat allergic reactions and other health issues has made it one of the most sort after oils.
Unfortunately, not everyone has glowing skin, but Calendula oil can keep your skin hydrated, giving you radiant skin after a few weeks of usage.
This article we'll look at calendula benefits and what it does to your skin.
Introduction to Calendula
Calendula, known as "pot marigold," is a marigold plant from the Compositae family. Its flower has a bright yellow color and is very rich in naturally occurring chemicals like; flavonoids, triterpene alcohols, quercetin, triterpene saponins, and oleanolic acid glycosides. Calendula petals have a vibrant color making them an amazing addition to your plant's garden.
Calendula (Calendula Officinalis) is a medicinal plant, and it's native to the Mediterranean region of Europe; however, you can find it in other countries. The flowers are rich in anti inflammatory, antifungal, antioxidants, and antimicrobial properties. Calendula flowers are well known for their culinary benefits and medicinal uses.
Mashed calendula flowers can be used as ingredients in cosmetics and the making of calendula cream.
Calendula is that gentle herb with many skin benefits you didn't know about.
What Is Calendula Oil?

Calendula oil is gotten from the steam distillation of the petals of marigold plants. It's mostly used in natural skincare products due to its maximum benefits. Calendula officinalis has antiseptic, antifungal, anti inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that help in treating skin conditions in both children and adults.
Calendula extract isn't just used for making essential oil. Most people use it in making calendula tea, calendula ointment, and sunscreen calendula oil, as it helps alleviate stress and discomfort.
Dried calendula can be used as a herb when cooking, and processed into a tincture.
What Does Calendula Oil Smell Like?
Not everyone finds the scent of calendula oil soothing, and that's understandable. Calendula oil has a unique scent that cannot be mistaken when perceived. It has a woody and musky scent, and some may even describe the scent as rotten.
However, if you are very disturbed about the scent, you can combine it with other well-scented natural essential oils like; chamomile oil or coconut oil.
How Is Calendula Oil Extracted?

Calendula oil can be made using more than one method, namely;
Organic solvents method
Hydrodistillation method
Enfleurage method
The hydrodistillation method is the best process to extract oil from a calendula plant. Using this method guarantees you the full efficacy of the oil without pigments.
Alternatively, it's gotten from infusing calendula flowers into carrier oils like coconut oil, chamomile oil, jojoba oil, or olive oil. For this process, ensure you don't infuse calendula flowers into ornamental marigolds.
Before using the infusing method to extract calendula oil, make sure you use dried flowers. Calendula flower in its natural state has water in it, and when not properly dried, can cause the appearance of bacteria.
If you are a fan of only natural skin care products, you can easily make your own calendula oil at home. Get calendula petals and infuse them fully into a bottle of olive oil. Keep it in away from light and shake the mixture daily. After 6 weeks, separate the petals from the oil, and you have your pure calendula oil.
Which Plant is Calendula Oil Extracted From?
Calendula oil is gotten from marigold flowers.
How Long Does Calendula Oil Last?
The shelf life of calendula essential oil is two years, only when stored properly. To get the best out of calendula oil, don't store it in a bright place, as the sun can affect its effectiveness.
Alternatively, you can keep it in a tinted glass bottle or place it inside your refrigerator.
What are the Health Benefits of Calendula Oil?

Calendula benefits range from the treatment of allergic reaction to inflammatory skin conditions. It's perfect for sensitive skin and can help reduce skin irritation.
Here are some other healing properties of calendula essential oil you should know;
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Calendula oil has a track record of effectively treating inflammations on the skin. When not treated properly, inflammation can lead to other health conditions like; cancer and diabetes. It can also cause various skin conditions like; rosacea and redness of the face.
Applying calendula oil to your skin will help in reducing inflammation. It protects the skin from damages against free radicals that cause premature aging process.
Antibacterial Effects
The body is covered with numerous microbes, which helps to keep the skin healthy. An issue only rises when there's an overgrowth of certain fungi or bacteria strains, and this is where calendula oil comes in.
Calendula oil's antibacterial properties make it useful in treating diaper rash, dandruff, bacterial vaginosis, and even vaginal yeast infections.
Acceleration of Wound Healing
Calendula oil may prove effective for healing wounds. As a healthcare professional, you can use calendula ointment and aloe vera to boost the recovery period of episiotomy, of course, while still administering standard hospital treatment.
Researchers have proven that calendula ointments and standard care are more effective in treating wounds than just standard care.
Calendula oil is a must-have first aid kit, so you can use it when you have cuts, minor burns, or scabs.
Strengthen Immune and Digestive Systems
The topical application of calendula oil has significant benefits on your health. It's useful in treating internal wounds like; ulcers and heartburn. Calendula essential oil can help in repairing the gut walls in the stomach and relieve you of irritable bowel symptoms.
Due to its antimicrobial benefits, calendula oil kills off infections caused by cold or flu.
Decrease Rashes & Other Irritations
Of all the benefits of calendula oil, this is the most mentioned in peer-reviewed studies, the treatment of skin irritations. Calendula oil is used in skincare because of its hydrating properties for dry skin.
Calendula oil helps moisturize the skin while giving your skin UV protection against the sun.
For smooth and supple skin, incorporate calendula oil into your skincare routine by adding a few drops into your favorite lotions.
Also, it's beneficial in treating allergies, but if it persists after continuous usage, you should consult your healthcare provider.
You can purchase calendula balms and massage your lips with them daily to treat chapped lips.
Diaper Rash
Diaper rash happens due to infrequent diaper changing for children of diaper age.
You can use calendula balm to treat diaper rash on your baby. It's safe, making it perfect for your baby's delicate skin.
It's commonly frequent for adults who use diapers as well. Topically applying calendula oil to the rash can bring instant relief and reduce the level of discomfort. You can also use aloe vera infused creams together with calendula oil to moisturize the affected area, so it'll prevent the formation of more rashes.
More research on the effectiveness of calendula oil in the treatment eczema and dermatitis needs to be done, as the research available now is very limited.
Yes, it has anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce inflammation, but there still isn't enough evidence to list it as one of the treatments for eczema.
The topical application of calendula oil on human skin can help ease acne outbreaks and remove irritating blackheads on the skin.
Due to its wound healing properties, you can use it to get rid of psoriasis and itching blisters. Try applying calendula oil on the affected area for several weeks and watch it improve. Try out different calendula products, and if there are no changes, see your dermatologist.
Improvement of the Appearance of the Skin
Calendula oil is an active ingredient in skin care products because it helps add moisture and improve the skin's overall appearance. You can get relief from poison ivy reactions when you apply calendula oil.
Calendula oil is rich in vitamins, giving your skin adequate support to regenerate. It's a lightweight moisturizer and can be used for skin hydration.
Due to its antibacterial properties, it can prevent skin infection.
Does Calendula Repair Skin?
One amazing health benefit of calendula oil is its ability to penetrate the deepest part of the skin layers to keep it properly hydrated.
One study shows that calendula oil helps improve blood flow, which will, in turn, rebuild damaged skin cells.
Is Calendula Oil Good for Sunburn?
Due to its antioxidant properties, calendula oil is perfect for soothing sun-damaged skin and provides sun protection for your skin.
Topical gel formulations of calendula oil have a sun-protection effect that shields the skin from harmful pollution.
Can Calendula Help Wrinkles?
The active ingredients in formulated calendula products like calendula cream help protect the skin and slow down the skin aging process while reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
Does Calendula Oil Help With Stretch Marks?
Calendula oil may help prevent stretch marks on the skin because it promotes skin cell turnover and improves your body's synthesis of collagen.
Does Calendula Oil Lighten Skin?
Continuous usage of natural calendula oil can significantly decrease melanin pigment, making your skin bloom and appear brighter.
Can Calendula Heal Scars?
Calendula oil can help clear scars gotten from surgical operations. Calendula creams or tinctures are great for treating post-surgery scars and infections.
You can prepare a scar healing mix using calendula oil, tea tree oil, and water (warm/hot water).
Is Calendula Good For Your Face?
As a skincare product, calendula oil is used by women with oily, acne-prone faces. Calendula oil helps nourish and hydrate the skin.
Make your findings, and only purchase FDA-approved cleansers. Use it in washing your face regularly, and focus more on the areas with blemishes or spots.
If you usually have an allergy reaction to ragweed and daisies, it may be best to avoid calendula oil because they are all from the same family.
Is Calendula Oil Good For Hair?
Calendula oil is rich in antioxidants and vitamins that stimulate oxygen and blood flow to the hair follicles. It's used to treat dandruff and dry, itchy scalp. It provides a soothing feeling after every use. For your hair care, you can use calendula oil for hot oil treatment and thoroughly rinse off after 20mins.
Calendula oil has properties that help your hair grow longer and healthier.
To get the best out of calendula extract for your hair, mix it with aloe vera, and create a hair mask.
What are the Different Ways to Use Calendula Oil?

As with other essential oils, don't use calendula oil in its pure form. Blend it with any carrier oil (jojoba oil, rosemary oil, argan oil) of your choice to reap its amazing medicinal benefits. The combination of calendula oil with trusted skin products will bring out your skin's beauty.
You can get all the health benefits of calendula oil, whether you use it as a calendula ointment, in capsule form, as a tincture, or as an essential oil.
Can You Use Calendula Oil Directly on the Skin?
Calendula officinalis shouldn't be applied directly on the skin without diluting with a carrier oil.
Can You Use Calendula Oil on Scalp?
Its anti inflammatory properties make it a perfect option to soothe an irritated and itchy scalp. So, yes, you can apply it on your scalp. It'll leave your scalp healthier and even promote hair growth.
Can Calendula Oil Be Used As a Carrier Oil?
Calendula oil isn't used as a carrier oil for skincare products because of its high potency nature and significant health benefits on the body.
If you must use it as a carrier oil for a good reason, then do so. But, be careful, so the calendula oil doesn't exceed more than 20% of the mix, making it a risk to your skin.
Is Calendula Oil Edible?
Ingesting pure calendula infused oil orally puts you at risk. However, you can infuse it an edible oil, making it safe to consume. Edible oils include olive, avocado, and canola oil.
What is the Right Dosage?
When using calendula oil, you shouldn't worry about dosage, especially if you use it as a salve or take it as tea.
However, as with any other medicine, the overuse of Calendula Officinalis will cause our bodies to develop resistance to it. So, it's advisable to take it in moderate consumption or just read the product's label and take note of the appropriate dosage.
What Blends Well with Calendula?
Other essential oils that blend well with Calendula Officinalis include; lavender oil, cypress oil, aloe vera oil, frankincense oil, coconut oil, and lemon oil.
Other scents that compliment calendula oil includes; wintergreen, spearmint, and lemon fragrance. They all have sweet floral scents that soothes the mind and ease stress.
What are the Side Effects and Risks of Using Calendula Oil?

There isn't any significant side effect that comes from using calendula oil. However, take these few factors into consideration.
Do not use any calendula oil that contains preservatives, parabens, or sulfates, as this can cause swelling and pain-related allergies.
If you are allergic to daisies, ragweed, and marigold, then you'll most likely be allergic to Calendula Officinalis because they are from the same compound.
Pregnant women and nursing mothers shouldn't use calendula extract for skincare or consumption (tea calendula). Researchers aren't exactly precise about the effect of calendula oil on breastfeeding women, so it's best to start using calendula oil after you have finished weaning your baby.
Also, to be sure you aren't reacting to calendula oil, run a patch test as you would any new product, and wait for 24 hours. If, after 24 hours, you see no signs of swollen feet or redness of the skin, then you can happily add it to your medicine cabinet.
If you are scheduled for a surgical operation, it's best to avoid calendula oil until you get a go-ahead from your doctor.
Interactions with Drugs and Medications
Calendula oil is a herbal remedy, and you can take it with almost any drug or supplement. It might cause low-level drowsiness for some people, so it's best to reduce your usage if you are on sedative pills already.
It might be worth trying to add calendula oil to your medication as a sleep-inducing herb for those battling sleep apnea. However, you need to consult your healthcare provider before doing this.
Commonly administered sedative pills include; lorazepam, zolpidem, and clonazepam.
Is Calendula Oil Safe for Babies?
Calendula oil doesn't contain any harmful ingredients that might be toxic to babies. Calendula oil is gotten from dried calendula flower petals, and it's safe to use for babies who have a sensitive body.
Blend a few drops of calendula oil with olive oil and jojoba oil, and use it as a massage oil for your baby.
Can You Use Calendula Oil During Pregnancy?
When pregnant, ingesting calendula oil can cause changes in hormone levels and, in some cases, induce menstruation. So, it's advisable to consult your doctor before use when pregnant or breastfeeding.
Does Calendula Oil Clog Pores?
Calendula oil has one of the lowest chances of clogging your skin pores. It's ranked at the lowest on the comedogenic scale. Calendula oil is a skin saver for people who have oily, acne-prone skin.
What are the Different Substitutes for Calendula Oil?
The truth is, calendula oil isn't for everyone. If you react to these medicinal plants, you might want to try out another herbal remedy.
Are you trying to treat sunburns or open wounds? You can use aloe vera oil, as it can speed up the healing process, and prevent infection. Another idea is to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your food plan to give your body more nutrients from the inside. Don't forget that, a healthy body fights off infection easily.
You can also use Vitamin E in place of calendula cream for the treatment of imperfections on the skin. Ensure that you are sure of the ingredients written on the label whenever you purchase any calendula product.
Many fake products are in circulation in today's world, so be sure that whatever product you are buying is FDA-approved.

Calendula oil is the hero oil everyone should have in their cabinet. Yes, you may have undervalued calendula benefits, but now you know better.
The seeds/petals of the calendula flower can be used to dye fabrics and give you a vibrant yellow color.
Natural calendula oil is used for many things: treatment of wounds, moisturizing ointments, sunscreen, hydrating the skin, and improving skin elasticity.
Why not purchase one today, and enjoy its amazing health benefits!
Alka Lohani, Anurag Verma, G. Hema, Kamla Pathak (2021). Topical Delivery of Geranium/Calendula Essential Oil-Entrapped Ethanolic Lipid Vesicular Cream to Combat Skin Aging. Sep 21
Arun K. Mishra, Amrita Mishra, Anurag Verma, Pronobesh Chattopadhyay3 (2012). Effects of Calendula Essential Oil-Based Cream on Biochemical Parameters of Skin of Albino Rats against Ultraviolet B Radiation. DOI:
Bhargab Deka, Bedanta Bhattacharjee, Anshul Shakya, Abu Md Ashif Ikbal (2021). Mechanism of Action of Wound Healing Activity of Calendula officinalis. DOI:
Yunes Panahi, Mohamad Reza Sharif, Alireza Sharif, Fatemeh Beiraghdar, Zahra Zahiri, Golnoush Amirchoopani, Eisa Tahmasbpour Marzony, Amirhossein Sahebkar (2012). A Randomized Comparative Trial on the Therapeutic Efficacy of Topical Aloe vera and Calendula officinalis on Diaper Dermatitis in Children. DOI:
Leila Maria Leal Parente, Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, Leonice Manrique Faustino Tresvenzol, Marina Clare Vinaud, José Realino de Paula, Neusa Margarida Paulo (2012). Wound Healing and Anti-Inflammatory Effect in Animal Models of Calendula officinalis L. Growing in Brazil. DOI: